Our five core proprietary products are:

All of these Core Product can be provided on a pure commercial basis or to support a regulated or Basel III Structure (although all regulatory products are provided through regulated partners of NPC&G).


NPC&G’s Products are deployed at its discretion for opportunities that it determines:

  • meet its credit risk performance criteria;

  • does not breach the risk appetite of NPC&G under the “worst case indemnity risk scenario downside analysis”;

  • upon a call being made against an obligation provided under its Products; allow NPC to positively trade out the position taken over upon a claim being made against the commercial obligation NPC&G has accepted.

NPC&G does not breach the financial obligations with its Investors and Lenders in the provision and operation of any of its Products, in particular any covenants owed as part of NPC&G’s Treasury Policy supporting is Finance & Treasury Strategy.


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